
Rainbow Bridge Solar – Dublin

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The Rainbow Bridge is a life-changing journey of transformation with Declan Hammond & Louise O’Donnell. This course is for anyone wanting to develop a deep, practical understanding of the chakras for their own personal healing & transformation in a safe, supportive environment. It is particularly suitable for therapists and healers who wish to expand their understanding of energy medicine through a comprehensive programme of self care. Over seven months we will journey together using the seven chakras as a map of consciousness and an evolutionary tool to reclaim our wholeness. Using experiential practices such as meditation, creative visualisation and knowledge from the worlds of tantra, shamanism & homeopathy, we will support each other in exploring, balancing and healing ourselves.


For more information see


Rainbow Bridge Throat – Cork

rainbowbridge banner

The Rainbow Bridge is a life-changing journey of transformation with Declan Hammond & Louise O’Donnell. This course is for anyone wanting to develop a deep, practical understanding of the chakras for their own personal healing & transformation in a safe, supportive environment. It is particularly suitable for therapists and healers who wish to expand their understanding of energy medicine through a comprehensive programme of self care. Over seven months we will journey together using the seven chakras as a map of consciousness and an evolutionary tool to reclaim our wholeness. Using experiential practices such as meditation, creative visualisation and knowledge from the worlds of tantra, shamanism & homeopathy, we will support each other in exploring, balancing and healing ourselves.


For more information see


Rainbow Bridge Sacral – Dublin

rainbowbridge banner

The Rainbow Bridge is a life-changing journey of transformation with Declan Hammond & Louise O’Donnell. This course is for anyone wanting to develop a deep, practical understanding of the chakras for their own personal healing & transformation in a safe, supportive environment. It is particularly suitable for therapists and healers who wish to expand their understanding of energy medicine through a comprehensive programme of self care. Over seven months we will journey together using the seven chakras as a map of consciousness and an evolutionary tool to reclaim our wholeness. Using experiential practices such as meditation, creative visualisation and knowledge from the worlds of tantra, shamanism & homeopathy, we will support each other in exploring, balancing and healing ourselves.


For more information see


Rainbow Bridge Heart – Cork

rainbowbridge banner

The Rainbow Bridge is a life-changing journey of transformation with Declan Hammond & Louise O’Donnell. This course is for anyone wanting to develop a deep, practical understanding of the chakras for their own personal healing & transformation in a safe, supportive environment. It is particularly suitable for therapists and healers who wish to expand their understanding of energy medicine through a comprehensive programme of self care. Over seven months we will journey together using the seven chakras as a map of consciousness and an evolutionary tool to reclaim our wholeness. Using experiential practices such as meditation, creative visualisation and knowledge from the worlds of tantra, shamanism & homeopathy, we will support each other in exploring, balancing and healing ourselves.


For more information see


Rainbow Bridge Dublin – Base

rainbowbridge banner

The Rainbow Bridge is a life-changing journey of transformation with Declan Hammond & Louise O’Donnell. This course is for anyone wanting to develop a deep, practical understanding of the chakras for their own personal healing & transformation in a safe, supportive environment. It is particularly suitable for therapists and healers who wish to expand their understanding of energy medicine through a comprehensive programme of self care. Over seven months we will journey together using the seven chakras as a map of consciousness and an evolutionary tool to reclaim our wholeness. Using experiential practices such as meditation, creative visualisation and knowledge from the worlds of tantra, shamanism & homeopathy, we will support each other in exploring, balancing and healing ourselves.


For more information see


Rainbow Bridge Cork – Solar

rainbowbridge banner

The Rainbow Bridge is a life-changing journey of transformation with Declan Hammond & Louise O’Donnell. This course is for anyone wanting to develop a deep, practical understanding of the chakras for their own personal healing & transformation in a safe, supportive environment. It is particularly suitable for therapists and healers who wish to expand their understanding of energy medicine through a comprehensive programme of self care. Over seven months we will journey together using the seven chakras as a map of consciousness and an evolutionary tool to reclaim our wholeness. Using experiential practices such as meditation, creative visualisation and knowledge from the worlds of tantra, shamanism & homeopathy, we will support each other in exploring, balancing and healing ourselves.


For more information see

Rainbow Bridge Cork – Sacral

rainbowbridge banner

The Rainbow Bridge is a life-changing journey of transformation with Declan Hammond & Louise O’Donnell. This course is for anyone wanting to develop a deep, practical understanding of the chakras for their own personal healing & transformation in a safe, supportive environment. It is particularly suitable for therapists and healers who wish to expand their understanding of energy medicine through a comprehensive programme of self care. Over seven months we will journey together using the seven chakras as a map of consciousness and an evolutionary tool to reclaim our wholeness. Using experiential practices such as meditation, creative visualisation and knowledge from the worlds of tantra, shamanism & homeopathy, we will support each other in exploring, balancing and healing ourselves.


For more information see


Rainbow Bridge Base – Cork

rainbowbridge banner

The Rainbow Bridge is a life-changing journey of transformation with Declan Hammond & Louise O’Donnell. This course is for anyone wanting to develop a deep, practical understanding of the chakras for their own personal healing & transformation in a safe, supportive environment. It is particularly suitable for therapists and healers who wish to expand their understanding of energy medicine through a comprehensive programme of self care. Over seven months we will journey together using the seven chakras as a map of consciousness and an evolutionary tool to reclaim our wholeness. Using experiential practices such as meditation, creative visualisation and knowledge from the worlds of tantra, shamanism & homeopathy, we will support each other in exploring, balancing and healing ourselves.


For more information see

From Emergency to Emergence – The Soul Journey

Tara Sunset

Declan Hammond will be speaking on the topic “From Emergency to Emergence – The Soul Journey” at the upcoming Critical Voices Network conference organised at University College Cork this November. We’ll update the exact time of his talk when it is confirmed. More information about the talk and the conference below.


From Emergency to Emergence – The Soul Journey:

Many mental or emotional health issues that have been pathologised in the conventional medical model would be viewed as the soul calling for initiation into a deeper state of emergence in traditional indigenous cultures. States of mind such as vision seeing, voice hearing etc are considered to be gifts and seen as windows into a non-ordinary reality. Supported by a skillful practitioner with respect and compassion these can be transformed from terrifying, dissociative experiences into life-changing initiations into the soul’s wisdom.

In order to truly meet and support another in these moments of mental, emotional or spiritual crisis, the traditional practitioner must have been initiated themselves, i.e. have engaged with and found respect and compassion for his or her own challenges of the psyche.

Respect for the soul and its challenges need to be central to the treatment of patients struggling in this area. A reductionist model of medicine that considers these issues to be “delusionary” or “neurotic” does its patients a great disservice.

From his extensive practice in this field, Declan will present a number of case histories demonstrating the potential of working in the field of “Soul Medicine”. He will share some skills and tools that he has found useful in this journey and about the importance of being a “wounded healer”.



11 AND 12 NOVEMBER 2015








‘Talking’ therapies have become increasingly central in dealing with all aspects of human life. This trend is now generally referred to as the ‘therapy industry’ (Moloney, 2013).

This conference, now in its 7th year, aims to explore and debate critical perspectives on:


–      The value of talking therapies

–      The politics of the therapy industry

–      Talking therapies as another expert system

–      Other ways (beyond therapies) to support people in distress


Confirmed Keynote Speakers


Wilma Boevink is an experiential expert, who works as a social scientist at the Trimbos-Institute, the Netherlands. She is a former Professor of Recovery and founder of Tree (towards Recovery, Empowerment and Experiential Expertise). Currently finishing her thesis on recovery, empowerment and experiential expertise. Lucy Johnstone is a consultant clinical psychologist, author of ‘Users and abusers of psychiatry’,co-editor of ‘Formulation in psychology and psychotherapy: making sense of people’s problems’ and ‘A straight-talking guide to psychiatric diagnosis’, along with a number of other critical texts on mental health theory and practice. She is currently based in a mental health service in South Wales.
Jacqui Dillon is a respected speaker, writer and activist, who has lectured and published worldwide on trauma, psychosis, dissociation and recovery. Jacqui is the national Chair of the Hearing Voices Network in England, Honorary Lecturer in Clinical Psychology at the University of East London, Honorary Research Fellow in the School of Medicine, Pharmacy and Health, Durham University and Visiting Research Fellow at The Centre for Community Mental Health, Birmingham City University. Malcolm Garland is a consultant psychiatrist in Dublin.  His team tries to incorporate novel and alternative approaches, including a minimal medication approach and an ethos fostering individuation, not dependence. He is concerned with the slow uptake of a non-“bio” approach by psychiatry, but understands the pressure teams are under to keep people “safe” and the conflicts this creates. He thinks psychiatrists may soon be on the “endangered species” list…
Rory Doody is a Recovery Development Advocate. He is a voice hearer and engages with his own mental health as often as he breathes! Plagued by inner questions like “who does this serve?” he enquires in the different areas of his work, involving education, case work, service and policy developments, structural change, and good intentions. As a ‘poacher turned game keeper’ with 20+ years of service user history, this question also serves as a check against his own personal motives. Dina (Konstantina) Poursanidou is a Post-doctoral Research Fellow at the Institute of Psychiatry in London, based at the Service User Research Enterprise; Dina has used mental health services since 2008; Member of Asylum, the magazine for democratic psychiatry; integrates an interest in the socio-cultural determinants of distress and socio-political action on the one hand, with an interest in the human subject at a more intimate and individual level on the other.



The Conference organisers are Harry Gijbels, Catherine McAuley School of Nursing and Midwifery, and Lydia Sapouna, School of Applied Social Studies, University College Cork, Ireland.   

The event is free to attend but you must book your place in advance.

Enquiries to or

Samhain – Touching the Veil Meditation

At this time of year we approach the festivals for the dead – popularly celebrated as Halloween in Western cultures, as the Day of the Dead in Mexico and Latin America, the Feasts of All Saints and All Souls in the Christian calendar and as Samhain in the traditional Celtic calendar.

It is said that the veils between the worlds of the living and the dead are thin at this time of year . This is reflected in the nature around us, the trees are pulling their energy into the ground for the winter, letting go of their leaves in the process.

Consciously working in sync with the nature around us can bring about healing and a sense of connection to something bigger than us, something sustainable and natural.

You are warmly invited to a special meditation to prepare for the coming festivals for the dead and to gently connect with the natural process of dying. Death is often feared but nature teaches us that dying is a continuous process and part of life itself.  Our skin continually sheds. The meditation is a sacred ceremony to let go of what in your life is dead at this time, shedding what you no longer need as we move towards the winter months.

The first part of the meditation will be guided, using a traditional buddhist meditation that works with the 4 alchemical elements, followed by soft drumming to gently deepen the connection to your experience and finishing with some relaxing music and the opportunity to share your experience in a safe and supportive space, if you wish.

What to Bring

Bring a yoga mat, sheepskin or small camping mattress to lie on and special objects/images to make a small special altar to whatever represents pure goodness to you, be that Jesus, Buddha, Abraham, the Prophet or something else all together. All is welcome. Some spare yoga mats/sheepskins will be available.


Places are limited so please book in advance if possible by clicking on the relevant button below.  The button will take you through to the Paypal site where you can pay using your Paypal account or by credit/debit card. Concessions (for low waged, students, pensioners) are available if booked and paid for in advance. Price will be €20 on the door.

If you would like more information, please contact or phone 087 207 5931.

The session will be held by Louise O’Donnell and Declan Hammond. You can read more about them and their 7 month programme for healing and transformation – The Rainbow Bridge by clicking here.

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