Soul Medicine @ Mind Body Spirit Festival, Dublin

Come and meet Declan Hammond and Louise O’Donnell of Soul Medicine at the Mind Body Spirit & Yoga Festival, Dublin. We’ll be talking about upcoming groups, courses, ceremonies and healing work and will be offering a surprise to all those who visit.

You’ll find us at the Slí An Chroí Community stand on Monday 16th March.

We look forward to meeting you.

For more info and prices, visit the Mind Body Spirit website.

Homeopathy & the Soul – Interview with Declan Hammond

When I first travelled to Peru, the teacher I came to work with asked me about my work. In broken Spanish, I tried to speak about what I did and how I work with homeopathic remedies. He struggled while I tried to explain how these were energy medicines, made by a process of dilution and succussion, until finally he burst into a big grin of recognition. “You work with spirit medicine; you work with the spirits of the plants and animals!”, he said. “That’s what we do here in the jungle”.  And he was right, we do the same things.

Read my recent interview with Evelyn Einhaeuser in the Synergies in Healing Journal:




Healing And Transformation Through Cancer

Being willing to stay in the presence of death, one’s own death, while we journey with our cancer patients, keeps the mind focused on the important parts of the journey ahead. It is the ultimate companion and one that keeps everything else in proportion.

Declan Hammond writes about Cancer and Healing in Spectrum of Homoeopathy. Republished with thanks.

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The Death Of A Child – A Parent’s Choice For Life

When I finally returned to my homeopathic practice, I found that my experiences had blessed me with a new level of understanding and empathy for my patients. Not surprisingly, many new patients came to me dealing with the awful heartbreak of the loss of a child. These died through miscarriage, stillbirth, cot death, disease, accidents, drug overdoses, violence and suicide. But all had one thing in common, their parents felt that the pain was so overwhelming that they would not be able to survive it.


Declan Hammond writes about parental bereavement for Spectrum of Homeopathy after the death of his son. Republished with thanks.

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Kosmicare – A Safe Place for Difficult Experiences

My time with Kosmicare has been one of the most inspiring experiences of my professional life. My skills and abilities were well appreciated and used. Treating so many guests, who were prepared to trust and explore homeopathy, with often extraordinary results, inspired me immensely. And my ego was frequently humbled as I met my limitations and needed to ask and receive support from my colleagues. Working so closely together with so many highly skilled doctors, therapists and healers, in a spirit of love, cooperation and mutual respect has been truly extraordinary. Thank you Kosmicare!

Declan Hammond writes about Kosmicare, a harm-reduction program at Boom, a music festival in Portugal, for the Homeopathic Times, the journal for the Irish Society of Homeopaths.


Soul Loss And Recovery With Homeopathy

Although much of the language and concepts of our homeopathic ancestors, such as Hahnemann, need updating, the challenge inherent in his work resounds through the years. Hahnemann devoted his life to finding the most effective ways of using homeopathy, to heal the sick and to support them in their search for their “higher purpose’. His spirit calls out to us, challenges us to continue this search.

Article by Declan Hammond for about working with Homeopathy and the novel remedy Tabernanthe iboga to heal soul loss.

An Interview with Declan Hammond

Homeopathy, for me, is ultimately an evolutionary tool. Being a homeopath has always meant much more than just prescribing remedies homeopathically. It is about growth and development, following your own life path. The different homeopaths I studied with all had their own unique ways of working, each in their own way producing excellent results. I felt that I needed to bring as much of my own uniqueness as I could in my homeopathic practice.

In conversation with Freada McGoldrick:



Spirituality and the City – Intimacy

Intimacy has become almost an obsession for me. It is what I crave most in my relationships with lovers; what I value most in my friendships. It feeds me on every level, makes my heart sing, turns me on, adds juiciness and aliveness to my every contact, and is a constant reminder of all the riches that life offers. Rooted in presence and acceptance, it invites me to live my life in the most authentic way, to trust and to relate honestly, to listen and share without prejudice, to move beyond the tyranny of old stories and meet the other in trust, without barriers or projections. Whether alone in nature, in my lover’s embrace or in a gathering of friends, intimacy calls me home, reminds me of who and what I am, and challenges me constantly to be fully alive to all of life and love’s possibilities.

Declan Hammond speaks about intimacy for Positive Life magazine.